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6 Tips for Young Professionals Flustered by Small Talk |

6 Tips for Young Professionals Flustered by Small Talk |

College graduates today are the most tech-savvy generation to ever enter the workforce. While knowledge of the latest and greatest devices can be a tremendous asset to landing a job, it’s also proving to be a hindrance. Graduates today too often use technology as a replacement for essential communication skills that are still coveted by employers.

The Center for Professional Excellence at York College of Pennsylvania conducts an annual survey to evaluate the status of professionalism in America. Most recent data from college and university career development offices noted a troubling trend. Respondents believe professionalism has decreased in the past five years. They attributed that drop to a loss of communication and interpersonal skills due to technology.

When so much of an average workday is spent in front of a computer screen, it’s easy to see how interpersonal skills can slide. But there are some rules of engagement for personal interaction that can help hone your skills and ensure a memorable exchange.

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