Robert R. Rowley PS

Attorney at Law

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Unmanned Drones And Emerging Risk Issues

Unmanned Drones And Emerging Risk Issues

An unmanned aircraft flies over a raging forest fire, alerting firefighters to where the blaze is most dangerous; another hovers over a construction site conducting a building inspection; and a third sweeps through a neighborhood taking photographs that showcase the exterior and interior of a home listed for sale.

While this may sound like some sci-fi movie scene set in the future — it’s not. The use of flying robotics in the form of small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), also known as drones, is not only happening now, its commercial growth is predicted to significantly increase over the next 10 years.

However, in implementing these new UAS-related business opportunities, a multitude of insurance liability and coverage issues must be addressed, ranging from personal injury and invasion of privacy to aerial surveillance and data collection.

The following is a great primer article from the Washington State Bar Association’s NW Lawyer Newsletter (Dec 2015/January 2016) by Thomas Lether (pages 19-22).

WSBA Article re Drones 121515