Has the Spokane real estate market really recovered when 2013 foreclosures were up 77% over 2012?
“Foreclosure actions completed in Spokane County swelled to a record level in 2013 following a four-year low in 2012, despite other indicators of improving real estate market trends. Last year, the Spokane County Auditor’s Office recorded 1,211 foreclosures on deeds of trust, up 77 percent from 685 foreclosures in 2012. The 2013 total also was 9 percent above the previous record, which was set at 1,112 foreclosures on deeds of trust in 2011.”
– See more at: http://www.spokanejournal.com/local-news/foreclosures-climbed-here-last-year/#sthash.o6crsduO.dpuf
Foreclosures climbed in Spokane County last year > Spokane Journal of Business.