Robert R. Rowley PS

Attorney at Law

If You Lost Your House in Foreclosure You Can Obtain a New FHA Loan Twleve Months After the Foreclosure or Short Sale

If You Lost Your House in Foreclosure You Can Obtain a New FHA Loan Twleve Months After the Foreclosure or Short Sale

A consumer who sold his or her home in a short sale or lost it in a foreclosure would normally have to wait 36 months to purchase a primary residence again with an FHA fixed-rate mortgage. However, the FHA Back to Work Program allows a buyer to purchase a primary home just 12 months after a foreclosure, short sale or a deed in lieu of foreclosure.

The program — which was announced in 2013, and extended through Sept. 30, 2016 — aims to fulfill a lofty goal: offering families a second chance at homeownership. The sticking point, however, is that you’ll need to specifically document the financial problems that caused you to forfeit your prior home in order to qualify.

How You Can Qualify

In order to qualify for the FHA Back to Work Program, you need to show that the loss of your previous home was truly due to circumstances beyond your control. Unfortunately, the program does not consider previous loan modifications, adjustable-rate loan recasting, inability to rent a previous income property, or even divorce to be sufficient enough reasons to qualify.

via The FHA Back to Work Program: A Second Chance for Homeowners |