There are a number of sites that let renters and landlords link up, and in some cases the sites specify that only entire homes or guest buildings may be rented out. The movement to rent spare rooms in particular has been accelerated by one website—Airbnb Inc. The site, which operates in over 35,000 cities around the world, offers more than 800,000 listings—up from 500,000 at the end of 2013 and 300,000 at the end of 2012. It has served more than 10 million guests during the first eight months of 2014, compared with over six million for all of 2013.
The numbers of hosts and renters is only likely to grow, especially if other companies get into the business and the idea of the “sharing economy”—where people contract with other people for short-term use of cars and other services—becomes more accepted.
via Homeowners Tap Income in Their Homes—by Renting Out Space – WSJ.