Robert R. Rowley PS

Attorney at Law

8 Money Mistakes to Avoid on Your Way to Being Wealthy |

8 Money Mistakes to Avoid on Your Way to Being Wealthy |

There is a difference between being rich and having wealth.

Wealth is the abundance of something in such surplus that no conditions can destroy it. Making a lot of money is one thing, getting rich another. Creating wealth, well, that’s what very few people ever learn. You have heard the expression “get rich quick,” but you will never hear “get wealthy quick.”

Ever hear the saying, “money never sleeps?” The wealthy take this literally and believe that money must work around the clock to grow. The wealthy respect and pay attention to their money knowing that nothing multiplies without attention. They also know money wants to be loved and acknowledged.

Sound crazy? Show me someone that doesn’t pay attention to their money or is disrespectful of it and I will show you someone lacking money.

The wealthy also avoid mistakes that big income earners and the rich make. Here are some common money mistakes you must avoid to create wealth:

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